María Corina Machado denounces Chavismo from Calabozo, Venezuela (VIDEO)

María Corina Machado denounces Chavismo from Calabozo, Venezuela (VIDEO)

María Corina Machado en Calabozo




The unitary presidential candidate for the opposition, María Corina Machado, asserted that the disqualification, arrests and abuses of the regime in recent days will not stop the Venezuelans from organizing to achieve a change in the political model in the country. correspondent

“Do not think that they are going to discourage us or blurr our focus with this string of threats. In the Venezuelan Constitution it says very clearly, there are elections here this year and they must be (going to be) clean elections, and the people of Venezuela elected me to confront and defeat Maduro, and that is exactly what we are going to do,” Machado stated.

The unitary opposition candidate elected in the Presidential Primaries on October 22nd, 2023, visited the Miranda Municipality of Guárico State this Thursday, February 1st, within the framework of the celebration of the 300 years of Calabozo’s foundation.

Machado urged hundreds of ‘Guariqueño’ supporters who were present at the event to strengthen the organization of the different political parties to advance and consolidate the 600K project in defense of the right to vote.

“No one loves them (the regime) anymore, no one believes them, they are alone and they know it. So here it is, we have all faced and overcome the threats and we are no longer afraid,” Machado emphasized.

In the midst of an emotional moment, Machado stated that the recovery of democracy and freedom in Venezuela will mark the date of return for millions of Venezuelans who were forced to emigrate from the country due to the complex humanitarian emergency.

In the afternoon, the unitary presidential candidate met with regional leaders of different opposition parties of this plains state.

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