President Joe Biden opens the Summit for Democracy: “We must unite to reject authoritarianism”

President Joe Biden opens the Summit for Democracy: “We must unite to reject authoritarianism”

Photo: Centro de Comunicación Nacional


The Summit for Democracies, in which 110 countries will participate, began this Thursday with a speech by the President of the United States, Joe Biden.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Dec 10, 2021

The US president, who was accompanied by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, warned that democracies have been in decline for 15 years due to autocrats trying to seek more power.

The Summit for Democracy is held virtually on December 9th and 10th at the initiative of President Biden and will be attended by democratic leaders from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and El Salvador from Latin America.

The Venezuelan delegation reported that they hope that this summit will serve as the foundation for the formation of networks in defense of democracy worldwide and that it can serve to remind the world that today six million Venezuelans have had to flee from a regime that it took away their political rights and led them to the greatest humanitarian emergency in the history of the region just by perpetuating themselves in the usurpation of power.

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – President Joe Biden opens the Summit for Democracy: “We must unite to reject authoritarianism”

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